Saturday, April 28, 2018

Date Night 2

Date night 2

There’s lot’s of dating going around here.  Sarah’s dating Gabriel.  It’s a real life romance.  I’m trying to get her to start a blog.  You would enjoy her dreamy romantic life with her young Brazilian-French man.  

But, since she’s not yet writing a blog, you’re stuck with my romance.  

Date night 2.0

Last time we had to save a kid’s life after he fell on his head out of a mango tree.  This time I needed an assist on a Friday night.  Sarah had malaria and we were making her rest.  So, guess who get’s to hang out again?  Us!  

The kids were already asleep.  We live on a compound.  And have a guard.  Don’t get too judgy.  

There’s a C-section that needs to be done.  I need an assist.  Hmmm… Olen needs practice doing C-sections anyways.  He knows how to do it in theory.  

I ask Philippe if he minds taking 10 extra minutes during the C-section and I motion that Olen’s going to do it.  He laughs and says it’s good.  

Olen is an awesome surgeon with great natural talent.  He just needs more practice.  Now that Dad’s gone, I’ve been in the OR non-stop.  Mom’s gone too.  We tried some people out temporarily, but our kids really need school, discipline, and stability.  So Olen and I decided that one of us needs to stay home.  Since I have more surgical experience, I need to be in the OR.  So Olen has been staying home a lot with the kids.  We didn’t really have this planned out that well since we are supposed to be starting our Appalachian Trail hike in six days.  We would have pushed to have a student volunteer harder if we knew we were going to be here now.  

So, Olen jumps at the opportunity to hang out with his wife.  And, wifey makes him become the student.  

I prep the patient.  I drape the patient.  I hand Olen the knife and tell him to cut.  I hand him the scissors and tell him where to cut.  I hand him all the instruments and tell him what to do.  He already knew it, but I wasn’t waiting around for him to think about it.  It was the middle of the night and I wanted to go to sleep.  Some date night, huh?  

Olen did amazing.  He sutured up the uterus in 2 layers perfectly.  He sutured up the fascia perfectly.  He sutured up the skin perfectly.  

The baby and mother are doing well.  This time 2 lives saved. Going to the movies will never be the same again.  

Although.  That does sound fun to me.  And maybe a nice restaurant and a stroll in the park, hand in hand, with city lights and no malaria.  

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