Saturday, May 24, 2014


Things we do for entertainment in Tchad…..

Lyol’s flip flops broke a while back.  I couldn’t believe that GAP shoes would break so easily!  He was quite sad about it.  So mommy and daddy had a contest.  Since both shoes broke, we each took one to repair (something weird doctor missionary parents would do).

Mommy, repaired one with 2-0 silk.  (opened, half-used suture that we hadn’t thrown away) It’s nonabsorbable and black.  Nice to look at.  Her skills paid off!

Daddy, chose something stronger but absorbable.  0 vicryl.  Purple and thicker.  He’s also got skills.  

We presented both shoes to Lyol and asked which one he liked better.  

He chose wisely and said he liked them both the best!  He was so happy to have flip flops again.  

Only time will tell now who’s shoe will break first.  Rainy season is coming and that absorbable suture won’t last forever!  

Only in Tchad will you entertain yourselves by pretending to be shoe repairmen.  I’m pretty sure we would have just ran to the store and bought a new pair in America.  But then again, we are pretty cheap sometimes!


  1. That's vote is for Danae's! Alison Cover

  2. I love how things in Tchad are on a whole other level for entertainment. I used to pretend I was watching a wildlife tv show when I'd watch the animals.

  3. It's only fair to provide an update. Olen's repair beat Danae's repair. Gynecologists may do it pretty. But emergency physicians do it strong!!!
