Sunday, January 23, 2011

#19 Videos from Olen and Danae

Editor's Note:

While they were in France learning to speak the official language of Tchad - that's French! - Olen and Danae taped several short videos about the hopes and dreams for mission service in Africa. Clink on the links below to learn more about what they thought mission service would be like - and then compare with the blogposts you see on this site.

Présentation du couple de médecins:
Conditions de travail :
Partir avec un enfant :
Soigner l'être humain dans sa globalité :
Quelques conseils pour partir en mission :

You will notice on our blog,, that we have a link for donations. This is through Adventist Health International’s website. Please keep in mind that AHI takes 10% of the donation for administrative costs. However, AHI also provides us with invaluable support, and we believe strongly in the mission of AHI. We feel that AHI is an organization worth supporting. And remember that your gift is 100% tax-deductible.
Olen Tigo: +235 98 07 46 28
Olen Zain: +235 62 16 04 93
Danae Tigo: +235 98 07 46 27
Danae Zain: +235 62 17 04 80
Olen et Danae Netteburg
Hopital Adventiste de Bere
52 Boite Postale
Kelo, Tchad
Volunteers Welcome!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Danae!
    I am praying for you guys. I hope to visit and volunteer. (Is it possible to do a summer in Tchad as an SM?)
    You guys are really an inspiration.
    We all miss you guys over here and hope all is going well!
